Understanding Bowel Issues: Symptoms, Causes, and Solutions
Constipation In 1997, I experienced mild internal hemorrhoids due to irregular lifestyle habits, which were treated and resolved. Since then, about a year later, I have been experiencing difficulty with bowel movements. When I have more time and am less stressed, I can usually em...
Dr. Wang Qichao reply Surgery
It is recommended that you first visit a colorectal surgery outpatient clinic for an examination to rule out any organic intestinal lesions. If the examination results are normal, then you can address functional intestinal disorders by trying dietary adjustments (as you mentioned...[Read More] Understanding Bowel Issues: Symptoms, Causes, and Solutions
Understanding Persistent Anal Leakage: Causes and Solutions
Diarrhea Recently, after using the restroom (for a bowel movement), I find it difficult to clean myself properly. It takes me over ten pieces of toilet paper to feel clean. However, after one to two hours, there is a small amount of leakage that soils my underwear. 1. I do not ha...
Dr. Wang Qichao reply Surgery
Bowel movement issues trouble countless patients. In simple terms, these can be categorized into two problems: 1. Physiological issues, which encompass a wide range of factors including intestinal physiological function, the patient's endocrine system, mental disorders, neur...[Read More] Understanding Persistent Anal Leakage: Causes and Solutions
Understanding Pinworms and Roundworms: Effective Treatments Explained
Parasite Hello Doctor, lately I've been experiencing some itching around the anal area at night, and I suspect it might be due to a parasitic infection. However, I'm not sure if it's pinworms or roundworms. I was considering going to the pharmacy to buy an anti-par...
Dr. Wang Qichao reply Surgery
If there is a parasitic infection, it is often said that "one barbecue brings the aroma to many families," which means that your family members may also be infected. Please do not attempt to buy antiparasitic medication from the pharmacy on your own! The diagnosis of an...[Read More] Understanding Pinworms and Roundworms: Effective Treatments Explained
Understanding Rectal Bleeding and Gastrointestinal Distress: Causes and Solutions
What is the etiology? In recent months, after several bowel movements, I have noticed that even after wiping with toilet paper multiple times, the anal area still feels unclean. If I continue to wipe, a small amount of feces is still present, and eventually, there are also traces...
Dr. Wang Qichao reply Surgery
1. After using the restroom, if you are unable to clean yourself properly: If possible, it is best to wash the anal area with warm water. If there is any bleeding, you should visit a colorectal surgeon at the hospital to check for conditions such as hemorrhoids with skin breakdow...[Read More] Understanding Rectal Bleeding and Gastrointestinal Distress: Causes and Solutions
Understanding Bumps Between the Anus and Coccyx: Causes and Solutions
A mass located between the anus and the coccyx? Hello Doctor: My symptoms appear as a protruding lump located between the anus and the coccyx (near the coccyx). I have had an abnormal protrusion of the coccyx for several years, which varies in severity; sometimes it becomes swoll...
Dr. Wang Qichao reply Surgery
There is a protruding mass between the anus and the coccyx. Based on your description of the symptoms, it is likely a benign mass. However, it is essential to have a doctor examine it in person for a definitive diagnosis. You can schedule an appointment with a general surgery cli...[Read More] Understanding Bumps Between the Anus and Coccyx: Causes and Solutions
Cost and Recovery Time for Surgery on Rectal Polyps and Constipation
The cost of surgery for an external anal polyp and bowel irregularity can vary widely depending on factors such as the healthcare facility, the surgeon's fees, anesthesia, and any additional procedures required. In the United States, the total cost could range from a few tho...
Dr. Wang Qichao reply Surgery
The main causes of rectal bleeding and pain are commonly hemorrhoids (especially mixed hemorrhoids), anal fissures, anal fistulas or abscesses, and tumors, among others. It is essential to identify the cause before discussing treatment and costs. A physical examination in the out...[Read More] Cost and Recovery Time for Surgery on Rectal Polyps and Constipation
Is Mucus in Stool Normal After Colonoscopy? When to Follow Up?
Medical consultation I had a colonoscopy two weeks ago, and the doctor said everything was normal, but I have hemorrhoids. However, I often notice a whitish, mucus-like substance at the front of my stool. Is this normal? Do I need to schedule a follow-up appointment?
Dr. Wang Qichao reply Surgery
If your colonoscopy results are normal, congratulations on eliminating the risk of organic colorectal lesions (which include tumors, specific and non-specific inflammatory bowel diseases, etc.). The issues you mentioned may be related to the medication you are using for localized...[Read More] Is Mucus in Stool Normal After Colonoscopy? When to Follow Up?
Causes of Anal Stenosis: Understanding the Surgical Implications
Question What are the causes of anal stenosis?
Dr. Wang Qichao reply Surgery
The most common cause of anal stenosis is trauma, which can result from accidents, burns, or postoperative complications. Other causes, such as inflammatory bowel disease or tumors, are relatively rare.[Read More] Causes of Anal Stenosis: Understanding the Surgical Implications
Post-Surgery Concerns: Understanding Changes After Hemorrhoid Surgery
Post-surgery Hello: In early December of 1999, I underwent surgery for rectal bleeding accompanied by prolapse (fourth-degree hemorrhoids). After the surgery, my bowel movements became thin and difficult to pass. Although the doctor attempted treatment using digital dilation, the...
Dr. Wang Qichao reply Surgery
Some patients who undergo radical surgery for hemorrhoids may experience anal stenosis. Initially, this can be managed with anal dilation combined with stool softeners. If the stenosis is severe and dilation does not provide relief, partial incision of the internal sphincter or t...[Read More] Post-Surgery Concerns: Understanding Changes After Hemorrhoid Surgery
Understanding Mucus in Stool: Should You Be Concerned?
Feces Dear Doctor: I had a stool test last month, and everything in the report was normal, but there was a positive result for mucus. Should I be concerned about the possibility of polyps or any abnormalities in my intestines? Do I need to see a doctor? Additionally, I have notic...
Dr. Wang Qichao reply Surgery
Mucus is secreted by the goblet cells in the mucosal layer of the colon and rectum, so theoretically, the presence of mucus can be detected in stool examinations. Other conditions that may lead to mucus in the stool include mucosal inflammation or tumors, which can result in incr...[Read More] Understanding Mucus in Stool: Should You Be Concerned?
Understanding Blood in Stool: Causes and When to Seek Help
The stool has a bloody appearance? I noticed blood after using the restroom today, and I'm not sure what the issue could be.
Dr. Wang Qichao reply Surgery
After using the restroom, if you notice bright red blood, the most common causes are typically related to the anus and rectum, with hemorrhoids and anal fissures being the most frequent. The former is usually painless, while the latter is often associated with sharp pain at the a...[Read More] Understanding Blood in Stool: Causes and When to Seek Help
Understanding Rectal Prolapse: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Options
Understanding the etiology? Hello: Please tell me what is rectal prolapse? How does it occur? How is it treated? Thank you.
Dr. Wang Qichao reply Surgery
Generally speaking, the term "prolapse" is commonly used to refer to hemorrhoidal prolapse, but it is important to distinguish it from rectal prolapse. Hemorrhoids, more appropriately referred to as anal cushions, serve to protect the anal canal during defecation and as...[Read More] Understanding Rectal Prolapse: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Options
Understanding Painful Bumps Near the Anus: Is It Hemorrhoids?
Perianal mass Since the late stages of my pregnancy, I have been experiencing constipation issues. Most of the time, I have difficulty with bowel movements, and whenever I am constipated or have prolonged straining during bowel movements for a couple of days, I feel some pain aro...
Dr. Wang Qichao reply Surgery
Pain around the anus can have several common causes: 1. Hemorrhoidal thrombosis. 2. Anal fissures or skin tears. 3. Inflammatory conditions such as fistulas, abscesses, or hidradenitis. 4. Tumors. Typically, a physical examination and endoscopic evaluation can help in differentia...[Read More] Understanding Painful Bumps Near the Anus: Is It Hemorrhoids?
Understanding Surgery for Skin Moles: Risks, Recovery, and Costs
Surgery Hello, I have an external mole. If I need to undergo surgery, will there be any issues? I heard that after the surgery, I might lose control and need to wear a diaper. Is that true? How many days do I need to stay in the hospital after the surgery, and what is the cost? H...
Dr. Wang Qichao reply Surgery
The majority of patients have mixed hemorrhoids (internal and external hemorrhoids). For first and second-degree hemorrhoids, more conservative treatments can be employed, such as topical ointments, suppositories, or rubber band ligation (which can only be applied to internal hem...[Read More] Understanding Surgery for Skin Moles: Risks, Recovery, and Costs
Managing Multiple Pain Issues After Rib Fracture: A Guide
Many issues? I once had a car accident that resulted in fractured ribs, and I still experience pain now. How should I address this? I've also had headaches for a long time, which feel like a throbbing pain. Could this be a migraine? I have many minor ailments; it's eith...
Dr. Wang Qichao reply Surgery
You mentioned that you are still experiencing pain from a rib fracture, which could be due to several reasons: 1. The bone may not have fully healed or may have healed incompletely. 2. The intercostal nerves could be entrapped by scar tissue. 3. It could also be related to myofas...[Read More] Managing Multiple Pain Issues After Rib Fracture: A Guide
Alternative Treatments for Hemorrhoids: Beyond Surgery Options
Treatment of Hemorrhoids Dr. Wang, aside from surgical options, are there other treatment methods for internal and external hemorrhoids? I had surgery a few years ago, but now they have recurred. I've heard about cryotherapy; are there other treatment options that might be b...
Dr. Wang Qichao reply Surgery
There are various treatment options for hemorrhoids, including topical ointments and suppositories, rubber band ligation, sclerotherapy, laser treatment, cryotherapy, and far-infrared therapy, among others. However, the most fundamental treatment remains surgical intervention. Tr...[Read More] Alternative Treatments for Hemorrhoids: Beyond Surgery Options
Understanding Anal Itching: Is It Pinworms or Something Else?
Ascaris lumbricoides (roundworm) Hello, doctor: I often experience itching around the anal area while sleeping at night. Could this be due to having roundworms in my abdomen? Is it contagious to my family? Or could there be other reasons? Which specialist should I see? Thank you!
Dr. Wang Qichao reply Surgery
Anal itching may be caused by a pinworm infection or sensitivity of the skin around the anus. In the case of a pinworm infection, it can be transmitted to family members, so a stool test should be conducted to check for the presence of eggs. Please schedule an appointment with a ...[Read More] Understanding Anal Itching: Is It Pinworms or Something Else?
Understanding Pain After Colostomy: Is It Normal?
Artificial anus My father underwent surgery for rectal cancer on October 16, 2000, and it has been a month and a half since then. He experiences significant pain every time he has a bowel movement. I would like to ask Dr. Wang if this phenomenon is normal. If it is not normal, wh...
Dr. Wang Qichao reply Surgery
I am not sure if your father's rectal cancer surgery preserved his anus. 1. If the anus and perineum were removed, he would need a colostomy. During the training period for the colostomy, there may be some pain initially (due to the stretching of the intestines), but over ti...[Read More] Understanding Pain After Colostomy: Is It Normal?
Do I Need Surgery for Hemorrhoids and Constipation Issues?
Is surgery necessary? Hello, doctor: I have been troubled by constipation lately, experiencing it at least two to three days a week, and my stools are often hard and pellet-like. Could this be related to hemorrhoids? I have noticed some lumps around my anal area for the past five...
Dr. Wang Qichao reply Surgery
Constipation is related to hemorrhoids; frequent constipation can lead to hemorrhoids, and having hemorrhoids may cause pain during bowel movements, which can further exacerbate constipation. If you notice lumps around the anal area, they could be hemorrhoids or other issues. It ...[Read More] Do I Need Surgery for Hemorrhoids and Constipation Issues?
Understanding Bloating: Symptoms and Prevention of Rectal Cancer
Bloating Occasional bloating and changes in bowel habits can indeed be concerning, as they may be associated with various gastrointestinal conditions, including colorectal cancer. The symptoms of colorectal cancer can include: 1. **Changes in Bowel Habits**: This may involve d...
Dr. Wang Qichao reply Surgery
Symptoms of rectal cancer often include bleeding, changes in bowel habits, mucus discharge, and a feeling of incomplete evacuation. However, relying solely on the patient's symptom description for diagnosis is often unreliable. A basic rectal examination or even a colonoscop...[Read More] Understanding Bloating: Symptoms and Prevention of Rectal Cancer